29th Floor Sunday School

Come Follow Me for May 11-17 - Mosiah 18-24

Episode Notes

This lesson recounts the stories of two different people that are each brought into captivity by the Lamanites and eventually delivered by the Lord. The people of Alma had welcomed Christ into their lives, even covenanting with Him and each other that they would bear one another’s burdens and stand as witnesses for God. As a result, when their enemies placed heavy burdens upon them they bore them together, continued to call upon God and were eventually delivered. The people of Limhi, however, were slow to allow Christ into their lives and tried to rely upon their own strength and methods to save themselves, and as a result they could not be delivered until they had been sufficiently humbled.

In addition to the covered chapters, this lesson also draws from (1) Eugene England’s essay “Why the Church Is As True As the Gospel,” and (2) Answers to Gospel Questions by Joseph Fielding Smith.