29th Floor Sunday School

Come Follow Me for June 8-14 - Alma 8-12

Episode Summary

Alma preaches and is rejected in Ammonihah. Following angelic instruction, he returns and is greeted by Amulek who welcomes Alma into his home, which is a tender mercy of the Lord to let him know that he is on the right track. Alma teaches about the promise of a redeeming Christ, but this holds little appeal to these people because it means they are going to have to make changes they do not want to. Amulek reinforces Alma’s message by teaching about the resurrection, which to these people means if they don’t change, they will have to live forever with the consequences. Alma then pleads with them to soften their hearts so that they will not be cast out by God and it finally seems like a few people are thinking. In next week’s lesson, however, we’ll learn that even these compelling truths cannot persuade most of the people in Ammonihah to change, which makes you wonder why the angel had Alma go back in the first place. In addition to the covered chapters, this lesson also draws from Teachings of the Presidents: Joseph F. Smith.