29th Floor Sunday School

Come Follow Me for July 13-19 - Alma 32-35

Episode Summary

Alma and Amulek teach the Gospel to the poor Zoramites. Because of their humility, they are ready to give place in their hearts for the word of God. Alma warns that faith cannot flourish where the desire for knowledge leaves no room, and challenges us to set aside the natural desire to trust only those things that we know and discard the things of faith. With this understanding, we are prepared to learn of Christ, His atonement, and the way in which mercy overpowers justice to make it possible for us to repent. These are some of the richest chapters in The Book of Mormon! In addition to the covered chapters, this lesson also draws from (1) The Sin of Certainty by Peter Enns, (2) 2 Nephi 9:28-29, and (3) 2 Corinthians 4:18.