29th Floor Sunday School

Come Follow Me for Feb 24 to Mar 1 - 2 Nephi 26-30

Episode Summary

Discussion of the teachings and prophecies of Nephi concerning the fate of his people as well as the latter-days. In the latter-days many people will deny that God is a God of miracles, but The Book of Mormon will come forth as evidence that God continues to perform miracles. Satan works to slowly lure us into captivity using flaxen cords, which are cords that can easily be broken, while Christ continuously invites all people to come unto Him. Those that follow Christ should remain alert and constantly strive to improve and become better, otherwise they run the risk of regressing. Because God loves all of His children, we should not expect that He has spoken to only one people or that only one people has recorded His words, but we should look for truths and evidence of God’s work among all people. The greatest of God’s miracles is His ability to save His children, and we should be careful not to assume limits in His ability to bring about salvation. In addition to the covered chapters, this lesson also draws on a quote from Elder Neal A. Maxwell found in Chapter 12 of the Book of Mormon Student Manual published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.