29th Floor Sunday School

Come Follow Me for Dec 7-13 - Moroni 7-9

Episode Summary

Moroni shares the teachings of his father, Mormon, including a sermon he gave to the Nephite church and letters he wrote to Moroni. His sermon teaches the importance of doing the right thing for the right reason, which is the only way the we can attain personal growth and progress. Through the grace of Christ, we are able to “lay hold” of the good that we do, meaning that it helps us to progress back towards our heavenly goal. Once we have hope, in that we believe in where we are going, and we have faith, in that we believe in the path to get there, then we add to that charity, which is the fuel the enables us to move forward on that path towards our goal. All three work together in the Plan of Salvation and are made possible through the atonement of Jesus Christ. Mormon condemns the practice of infant baptism, in that it denies the grace and goodness of the Plan, replacing it instead with “dead works,” as opposed to being alive in Christ.