29th Floor Sunday School

Come Follow Me for August 24-30 - Helaman 7-12

Episode Summary

In this lesson we learn more about Nephi, the son of Helaman, and his struggles to help his people repent and come unto Christ. Like all prophets, he testifies of Christ, and he does so in a dramatic way by miraculously informing the people that their chief judge has been murdered. The message is clear: if he has the power to tell them the murder of their chief judge, why can’t he also prophecy of the coming death and atonement of The Chief Judge, even Jesus Christ. The Nephites go through increasingly rapid cycles of wickedness, induced by the Gadianton robbers, on the one hand, and humility and repentance on the other, causing Mormon to remind us of the dangers of riches and the importance of needing to be reminded of our reliance upon God.